Please, someone tell me, why when I deposit money from an employer I've been receiving bi-weekly paychecks from for six years (and have NEVER bounced) into an account that I've had for almost ten years (ok, I've bounced that a few times. not the point though) does it take FOUR DAYS for it to finally end up in my account?! Granted, one of those days is a Sunday, and therefore not a business day, but it's not like business stops happening on that day. So when I went to check my balance on line this morning it showed a negative of over $160 for a bill that was pending, but my deposit wasn't pending. Furious, I called customer service to find out if this was an error. He informed me that the closing "business day" is at 4 pm (don't most people work until 5 pm, and go to the bank after work?) and they have a new check depositing policy that requires them to wait two business days before funds are available. This means when I go to the bank every other Friday after work a little after 5 pm to deposit my check, it's not actually getting "run through" until Saturday. THEN, it will sit in their little banky deposit waiting room with all the other "suspect" checks while the bank does background checks (no pun intended. seriously, I am not laughing about any of this) for two days and my bills that need to get paid overdraw my account and the bank can make $31 dollars per check off of me. The customer service guy (who I yelled and swore at while fighting back tears) even told me "well the bank will cover the cost of any checks coming in and you'll only pay $31 for them." I think this is about the point I blacked out. I'm not sure what I said, and I'm really glad that no one (except the cats) was home to hear me.
Oh look, it's the end of the business day. I'll be right back, I want to see if my pending bill went through.
Ok, so it hasn't gone through yet, but they also haven't posted my daily balance yet either which means it still could.
So as not to make this story torture anyone any longer I'll end it by saying that tomorrow, when my deposit finally hits my account, I am going to withdraw any money that I don't need to cover outstanding purchases and I am taking it to a different bank. One that deposits my money in my account at the time I am depositing it. What a novel concept!
And now on to knitting.....!!
So remember the crocheted top I was blocking in this post? Well it's done and now it's too big for me. But, I'm okay with it, because it is going to go to the lovely Maura and she will wear it with the love and pride it deserves. She also took some pictures of me in it first so I'll always have it to remember. She took a bunch of other pictures of me as well for a school project where I was literally buried in yarn! Well, up to my waist anyway, but I think that's the happiest I've been since my wedding day. I can't wait to see the pictures, she's said I can post them here when they're done.
Ray's hat is moving along, although I think I might rip back
p.s. Ray got off work early and took me to lunch at Baker's Square. It made me feel a lot better. He even bought us a whole strawberry rhubarb pie to take home! (the fruit ones are only $5.99 right now, go get 'em!) I love him.
Tina, I really recommend going to Fire Fighters Credit Union. I switched to them after Community Credit Union started to charge me on all sorts of things like, negotiating my checks, depositing checks and making bank account transfers. Charge me for a transfer, that is just ridiculous. Fire Fighters does non of that, and though I used direct deposit from the co-op and not entirely sure about their policy on check holding, at least you know what to ask for. I also get free over draft protection, free checking and savings account and check card. I have been banking with them for two years and have never had a problem with their policies. Really nice people who learn your name and are very helpful. Credit Unions are a lot like Co-ops so you don't have the Big Business, Big Money thing to worry about. At least go check them out (no pun intended) and ask them some questions!
That blows so much! I've been with 1st Community Credit Union out of Sparta for 11 or 12 years and have had no problems (though I'm sure you don't want to go to West Salem to do your banking). That is the most ridiculous policy I have ever heard. Who sits on a check From A Business for what two to four days? Bleh! Maura's bank sounds alot like my bank. I hope you find one that isn't idiodic. And if you ask me, the bank shouldn't even be charging you that 31 bucks. When you withdraw your money, I would give them another serious ass chewing for their strange way of doing business.
I hope you got your bank troubles figured out. That really sucks. I don't like any of the local banks in La Crosse for those reasons.:-(
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