This is Heather with her cake and wearing her Kick-Ass Bitch Scarf, aka K.A.B.S. (so dubbed by me, just now. we came up with several different names for the project, but none of them seemed to stick. I think it's because they didn't have enough swear words in them ;) She is also posing with several spent bottles of wine, which we all helped to drink. And it was delicious.
This is Maura with her scarf (my square is the one in the upper left side!) and Jason in the background looking suspicious about something. He must be talking to Karen! (just kidding Karen!)
Janet, hiding among the greenery, modeling her scarf (mine is the blueish-green one).
Here's Betty, looking sooo cute! Just like her scarf!
Betty is helping Karen model her scarf (which matched her outfit beautifully!).
And this is me with my scarf. It is very toasty and the weather was even nice(?) enough to give me several days to warrant wearing it. Joy!
And what's a good party without boys?!
Here, Jason is showing us the proper use of a knitted pillow in progress. That's what I've been doing wrong!
Matt is totally jamming out with his crochet self.
Andrew (Betty's husband) watched us all be crazy and didn't judge us. He gets a huge medal for that alone!
Max provided cuteness and tech support, he's quite efficient with the hunt 'n peck.
It was a very fun night and we're sad to see Heather go, but we know we'll see her again soon.
Ok, off to look up crochet patterns!